Approved Centres 2017
Carole’s Cottage – Nightingale’s Children’s Village, Black Rock, St. Michael – 535-1969
Ty’s Cottage – Nightingale’s Children’s Village, Black Rock, St. Michael – 535-1967
Shelley’s Cottage- Nightingale’s Children’s Village, Black Rock, St. Michael – 535-1996
Marina Brewster Centre at Farrs – Alleynedale, St. Peter – 422-6234
Mc Manus and Ellen Horejsi Centre – Nightingale’s Children’s Village, Black Rock, St. Michael – 535-1992
Violet Gittens Centre – Nightingale’s Children’s Village, Black Rock, St. Michael – 535-1964
Residential Care provides a homely setting for children who are experiencing various types of dysfunction with their natural families and are in need of care and protection. Consequently, they have to be provided with alternative living arrangements. Residential Care is usually provided as a last resort when all other options for family and community placements have been explored without success.
It is generally viewed as a temporary placement while continuous efforts are made to provide opportunities for children to be reunited with their natural families or re-integrated into the community with significant others.
Officers in Residential Care provide counselling and other forms of intervention to the children and their parents and guardians in an effort to help them regain an acceptable level of functionalism and stability as individuals and families within their homes and wider society.
The aim of each Residential Home in Barbados is to create an environment in which the physical, social, spiritual, emotional, and educational needs of the children residing in the Home are met
The Board currently operates the following seven (6), Children Homes:
- Marina Brewster Centre at Farrs, St. Peter
- Ty’s Cottage (Nightengale Village)
- Shelley’s Cottage (Nightengale Village)
- Violet Gittens Centre (Nightengale Village)
- Carole’s Cottage (Nightengale Village)
- McManus and Ellen Horejsi Centre (Nightengale Village)
The Marina Brewster Centre at Farrs is the only adolescent home, which the Board operates. The Nightengale Village mainly house children under eleven years of age. The Violet Gittens Centre caters to children with special needs.