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Don't Let Abuse Change Childhood
  • Ensure your children are supervised at all times.
  • Get to know the adults and other children that your children interact with. Observe their relationships.
  • Teach your children the correct names of their body parts so they can express concerns and ask questions about them.
  • Be wary of one on one time that children might be spending with adults.
  • Watch out for adults who spend a lot of time with children instead of adults.
  • Don’t allow sleep-overs unless you know the family well and have visited the home on several occasions.
  • Inform children to never keep inappropriate touching a secret or any secrets in general.
  • Explain a GOOD touch makes them feel comfortable, happy and loved and a BAD touch hurts or makes them feel uncomfortable.
  • Teach children that GOOD touches are hugging, shaking hands, holding hands and touching that is good for both people.
  • Teach children that BAD touches are hitting, kicking, biting and any touching that hurts them.
  • Explain a CONFUSING touch makes them feel weird. It can be a good touch that turns bad, like hugging too long.
  • Teach children that a CONFUSING touch can be a bad touch that feels good, like touching of the private parts.
  • Encourage your children to inform you or a trusted responsible adult if someone is touching them inappropriately.
Some Warning Signs That Your Adolescent May Need Help
  • Isolation
  • Change in eating or sleeping habits
  • Ongoing problems at school
  • Ongoing problems at home
  • Change in friends, activities etc.
  • Use of alcohol or other drugs
  • Major mood swings
  • Suicidal thoughts
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